North Snohomish County Cascades // Archival Print
Snohomish County is among Washington State's largest counties, and is home to remarkable mountainous areas in its eastern half. From the urban west, Mount Pilchuck and Three Fingers are two of the most distinct peaks, clearly visible from Marysville, Everett and Lake Stevens, WA. This piece includes, from south to north: Mt Whitehorse, Mt Bullon, Jumbo Mountain, Three Fingers, Big Bear Mountain, Helena Peak, Liberty Mountain, Long Mountain, Mount Pilchuck, Glacier Peak, Big Four Mountain and Sloan Peak.
Check out the South Snohomish County Cascades piece for the full panoramic view of the Snohomish County Cascade Mountains, viewed from the west.
This is an unframed archival print on high-quality matte paper. Watermark is not included on the physical print.
Print Sizes:
15x5" - includes 0.25" border
All other sizes include about 1" border
Framing Note: 8x24" and 12x36" are standard size frames. Panoramic frames are available in the collage frame section (take out the pre-cut mat) in many frame & craft shops. To frame the 15x5" size, I recommend finding a standard size off-the-rack frame (like a 10x20") and mounting it on acid-free paper or having a custom mat cut, if necessary. Or, you can easily order a custom size frame online.